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Santa Beard Png

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Santa Beard PngExpert Comments

The Whiskers of the North Pole: 15 Fascinating Tales about Santa's Beard (1) The origin of Santa's white beard dates back to the 4th-century Saint Nicholas, who was often depicted with a beard in his representations. However, the iconic white and fluffy beard as we know it today was popularized in the United States during the 19th century. (2) The longest Santa beard recorded at a Santa Claus parade was over 100 feet long, painstakingly knitted by a group of 50 enthusiastic volunteers over several months for a charity event in New York City. (3) There are numerous “Santa beard” competitions worldwide, particularly in places like Scandinavia, where they celebrate “Julemanden” or “Christmas man” with impressive beard-growing contests. (4) Santa’s beard is often symbolically seen as a sign of wisdom, kindness, and the agelessness of the jolly figure. (5) In the 1950s, a candy company released “Santa’s Beard Lollipops” with cotton candy mimicking Santa's fluffy beard. The candy was a huge hit and quickly became a Christmas tradition. (6) There's a belief in some cultures that if you touch Santa's beard on Christmas Eve, it brings good luck for the upcoming year. (7) The red suit, hat, and Santa's white beard were permanently popularized by a 1930s Coca Cola advertisement. Before this, Santa was often depicted in various outfits, and his beard varied in length and color. (8) An interesting custom in Sweden involves children dressing up as 'Tomte' or 'Nisse', mythical beings similar to Santa Claus, complete with red caps and cotton beards. (9) In a famous Christmas movie "The Santa Clause," Tim Allen accidentally shaves off Santa's beard, only for it to regrow immediately, symbolizing Santa's eternal image. (10) The tradition of mall Santas grew in the 20th century in the USA. Applicants for these roles often grow out their beards or wear a white, realistic looking artificial one. (11) There's a fun tradition in some families where children leave 'beard softener' (often just conditioner or lotion) out for Santa along with milk and cookies. (12) There is an illustrated book named "Santa's Beard" that humorously depicts the journey of Santa's beard when it decides it needs a change. (13) An age-old tradition in Russia includes 'Ded Moroz' or 'Father Frost', who has a long white beard and delivers presents to children. The tradition has been present for centuries, showcasing the importance of the 'white beard' symbol long before modern Santa Claus. (14) In the 2012 movie "Rise of the Guardians", Santa (or North, as he is called), is shown with tattoos on his arms, a big laugh, and of course, a grand, fluffy white beard that steals the show. (15) In the small town of Santa Claus, Indiana, USA, there's an annual event where residents participate in a 5K run wearing Santa suits complete with beards, aptly named the "Santa Claus Beard Run".